terça-feira, janeiro 14, 2025

Angels - Demos - Dragons

Angels - Demons - Dragons
Sketch cards.

quinta-feira, janeiro 02, 2025

Art vs Artist

Feliz Ano Novo!

Já no corre! Vamos lá!

quarta-feira, dezembro 18, 2024

Faun - Beauty & the Myth 2

Lápis do Faun - Beauty & the Myth 2 para Braiiinz Publishing.

sexta-feira, dezembro 13, 2024


- Sorceress.

sexta-feira, novembro 29, 2024

Fundraising Campaign

Hi everyone..

I wanted to talk here about a fundraising campaign in the name of dear Silke Tapken.
Silke has always been a great supporter of my work... And now, I would like my work to help her...

'In March 2020 Silke contracted COVID and she never recovered, developing long COVID which has progressed to its most severe form, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). This means that she now spends most of her days in bed or in a wheelchair being cared for by her family.
Before falling ill Silke was a midwife working in a birthing center in her home town of Oldenburg while also providing in-home birthing care there and to the surrounding districts of Ammerland and Wesermarsch. In a typical year she would drive thousands of kilometers delivering care to her mothers and the over 700 infants she and her team helped deliver before she was forced to retire because of her disease.
Since early retirement she has relied on her son, daughter, and Uwe to provide the daily, intimate care she requires. Recently, in order to find more affordable housing for her growing family, Silke’s daughter was forced to start looking for a new home and will move from Oldenburg very soon. Then, a month ago, her husband Uwe, who she’s known since they were young adults working in fish farming together in Germany and then Burkina Faso, Africa, was diagnosed with motor neuron disease (MND), a family of diseases that includes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease. This disease means he will become wheelchair bound perhaps in months.
Silke and Uwe need to upgrade their small home to make it wheelchair accessible, including retrofitting the bathroom, installing a chair lift, and building a ramp into the house. Their son is going to help with some of the construction, but with costs totaling about €30,000, she needs our help.'

I am offering these APs (different sets from Perna Studios) for my production. Just tell me which character I should draw.
All money raised will go towards the campaign.
If interested and for information about the cards, send me a DM (@andre.toma) or email (ninetoma@gmail.com).
Thank you very much.

Update: Spellcasters II - reserved Spellcasters IV - reserved Classic Flairy Tales 2 - reserved

quarta-feira, novembro 20, 2024


- Sorceress.
Alice do artista Danilo Kato na moldura, ganhou um espaço na nossa galeria.
- Meus 4 'Aquas'. Prometi  aqui que vou parar no quinto. rs

quinta-feira, novembro 14, 2024


Agradecer a todos que foram pra OGRA e passaram na mesa da minha filha.
Evento bonito demais.
Dia de rever muitos amigos... Conhecer novos artistas e principalmente... Ver a felicidade da Ayumi.
A gente tava ali, de apoio, caso precisasse.
Ela seguiu sozinha... Focada... Esforçada e bem orgulhosa do seu trabalho.
Essa foi só a primeira feira voltada especialmente aos quadrinhos.

terça-feira, novembro 12, 2024


Sketch card commissions.
Thank you very much to everyone who supports my work.
To order send me an email.

sexta-feira, novembro 08, 2024

Ogra - Feira de Quadrinhos Independentes

Oi, pessoal!
Chamando todos pra Ogra, a Feira de Quadrinhos Independentes da Ugra Press que acontece nesse próximo domingo, dia 10 de novembro, das 11h às 19h.
Dia de encontrar um monte de amigos quadrinistas e comemorar a participação da Ayumi na sua primeira feira voltada para HQs.

Ayumi avisa que tem gibi e cartelas de adesivos novinhos... zines, prints e muito mais.

Além de dar uma força pros artistas, ajudem também o Solidariedade Vegan levando uma doação de alimento não perecível, artigo de higiene pessoal, roupas ou brinquedos.
Cada doação vale um número para concorrer a um pacotão recheado de gibis!

Ogra - Feira de Quadrinhos Independentes
10 de novembro das 11h às 19h
Galeria Ouro Velho - R. Augusta, 1371
Entrada Gratuita

quarta-feira, outubro 30, 2024

Hallowe'en 5 - Bump in the Night

Hallowe'en 5 - Bump in the Night, base card art para Perna Studios.

quinta-feira, outubro 24, 2024

Marvel Premier

quinta-feira, outubro 17, 2024


- Sketch card commssions.
- Hallowe'en 5 - Sketch card showcase
- Coleção. <3
- Galeria. <3

terça-feira, outubro 08, 2024

À Venda

Atualização - VENDIDO Hi everyone.
I'm offering for sale this original drawing of the Scarecrow that served as the basis for my card from the new Hallowe'en 5 collection by Perna Studios.
It is A3 size. Made with graphite, watercolor, colored pencils and pastel pencils.
If you are interested... email me at ninetoma@gmail.com
In advance, I would like to thank everyone and especially Elaine & Tony Perna for the opportunity.


- Black Widow - Sketch card commission.
- Em outros tempos, produzi vários trabalhos com a designer Yasmin Ayumi. Agora, conheci o seu lado ilustradora.
- Uma das minhas grandes referências artísticas. Conhceci pessoalmente o Danilo Kato.
- Olha só um pouco do sketchbook do meu filho caçula Vítor Shinji.
- Um pouco do novo trabalho da esposa Fernanda. Esculturas afetivas em feltro.